Centrum pro vědu a výzkum Univerzity Karlovy na Albertově - Globcentrum

Praha - Albertov 2017

Globcentrum is conceptually the logical completion of the symmetrical urban situation behind the Purkyně Institute, enhanced by the adjacent park area for relaxation and the function of the Albertov canteen. Compositionally, the design is modeled after the existing building of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University. The regular block is divided by precise cutouts, with the motif of side wings and a central entrance repeated in the front entrance part. The principles of volume division make Globcentrum similar to the second new building, the Biocenter, located in the prominent center of Albertov. In addition to its own scientific research program and conference center, the building also includes a university canteen - carefully placed by the park area on the western facade. Here, we aim to create a very lively, civil, and open place for meeting and relaxation in the shade of greenery. The research at Globcentrum will focus on various aspects of global changes, such as the dynamics of climate change on the planet, changes in the distribution of organisms, global biodiversity dynamics and species spread, vegetation dynamics in old and modern landscapes, natural hazards and risks, land use changes, and the impacts of these processes on society. The building will include laboratories, offices, seminar and lecture rooms, libraries and study rooms, underground parking, technical facilities, etc., and a university canteen. Next to the building - in front of the canteen - a park concept of two classic schools is proposed - French geometric, in the form of a tree grid on a flat paved piazzetta, and English natural, in undulating terrain framed by a stone bench.

Public , Health and Research, Education
24298 m2
Praha - Albertov
Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Polyfunkční budova pro vědu, výzkum a vysoké školství